the building is a spa, medical clinic and 160 room hotel with 3 restaurants, 3 bars, 5 pools, 7 saunas and a conference hall. the castle's plaza connects with the market colonnade below as seen in the lower edge in the above photo. there are photos of celebrities in the spa's reception room. two of which are of morgan freeman (the shawshank redemption) and elijah wood (lord of the rings trilogy). karlovy vary, czech republic ~ october 11, 2008.
after taking this photo, the receptionist understandably gave me a stare of disapproval. the building is a spa, medical clinic and 160 room hotel with 3 restaurants, 3 bars, 5 pools, 7 saunas and a conference hall. karlovy vary, czech ...
sobota 2. dubna - 10:00 - 13:00 Palác Charitas, Karlovo nám. 5, Praha 2. Mezinárodní den informovanosti o autismu. Zveme všechny, kteří rádi tancují. Přijďte podpořit dobrou věc a protancujte 200 Kč, které poputují organizaci APLA ...